Welcome to the governor section of our school website. In this section you will find a list of our current governors and information detailing their roles, responsibilities and length of office.
We are very proud to have a committed team of governors at Manor Fields; all of whom are volunteers with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Governors are appointed for a term of four years and are expected to attend meetings, participate in training and visit the school throughout the year.
Our Governing Body consists of representatives from our parents and carers, the community, the staff and the Local Authority. We also have an independent Clerk who is responsible for taking the minutes of our meetings and oversees our administration. We have 4 Full Governing Body meetings a year, in addition to meetings of the Finance and Premises Committee and Curriculum and Staffing Committee. The minutes of meetings of the Governing Body are available for perusal and can be obtained from the Head Teacher upon request.
Governors are responsible for making sure the school actively provides the best possible and highest quality education for its pupils and actively fulfils its role in the local community.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and the governors, in co-operation with the Head Teacher, set the school’s vision, alongside the strategies and policies, that will ensure our success in achieving it. We both challenge and support the school, acting as a critical friend by monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making towards achieving its aims and objectives.
The Governing Body has a duty to monitor and approve the school budget and ensure that resources are appropriately balanced. We monitor attendance levels and evaluate how well groups of pupils are performing and ensure that we have a robust framework in place to enable our children to be safe.
Being a school governor can be demanding but is also an extremely rewarding role. Achieving the best outcomes for all our children is at the heart of all that we do.
If you wish to contact the governors you can do so by email at
Jan Paterson.
Chair of Governors, Manor Fields Primary School
For more information on being a school governor see the National Governors’ Association Website -
Why become a Governor? - Click here
Governors Attendance and Responsibilities 2023/2024
Full details of each Governors responsibilities, term etc. can be found in this report - click here for details
Governors Attendance and Responsibilities 2024/2025
Full details of each Governors responsibilities, term etc. can be found in this report - click here for details
Governor Scheme of Delegation 23/24 - click here
Governors Report 2023/2024
Please click here to read this years Governors report to families.
School Governors, January 2022
Ms Jo McMorrin
Chair of governors
Mrs Jan Paterson
It is such a privilege to be the Chair of Governors of such a happy and caring school where the whole school community works tirelessly to provide a safe, secure and exciting learning experience for all its children. I come to the role from an educational background, having worked in early years and primary education for 37 years. Through my role I hope to support the staff as they continue to provide excellence in education and continue to build strong relationships between parents, carers and the school. I realise the importance of good governance and effective leadership and that this will have a positive impact on the children and staff at our school. Volunteering as a school governor is a wonderful and unique opportunity, and I feel privileged to make a contribution to the future of so many talented children.
Vice Chair of governors
Mr Paul Daniel
I began my career as a teacher of English in the secondary school sector in Kent. I then worked in Alternatives to Custody Projects for teenagers and this led me into Education Social Work with the Inner London Education Authority - working with a mix primary schools, secondary schools and alternative provision.
Following the birth of our first son, we moved from London to Wiltshire in 1989. I started working in the Post 16 college sector in Hampshire - where I then spent 30+ years working as a college teacher, head of department and senior manager (mainly focusing on SEND students and managing this aspect of the college curriculum.) I am now semi retired and apart from ongoing professional interests (both as a school governor and college assessor), I am a passionate football player (still playing aged 63 years old - albeit more slowly),an aspiring rock guitarist - who knows when my big break might come - and an avid supporter of the natural world and the importance it plays in our well being. I am married to an amazing person and have 4 grown up sons and 2 grandchildren.
I hope my extensive experience of working in many educational settings - along with my passion for inclusion - will be of value to the school community at Manor Fields.
Clerk to the governors
Mrs Jean Oakes
Parent/carer governors
Miss Maria Milton,
Maria is a Parent Governor and joined in 2017. She is a parent with a daughter at Manor Fields, currently aged 9. Maria has worked in the Public Sector for 20 years supporting vulnerable people, previous to this, she worked in a number of charitable organisations. Her present role involves managing the performance of a collection of community services, ensuring quality and improvement. This experience in public administration and community work is helpful in the governing role. Maria joined the Governing Body to make a positive contribution to the work of the school with a significant amount of work going on behind the scenes.
Ms Teresa White
I have recently joined as a Parent Governor. I have a daughter in Magpies (2023/2024) and a 2-year-old son, who will hopefully join in a couple years and so with the school being such a big part of our family life for at least the next 5 years, I am thrilled to be able to make a small contribution to its future. I find the school really inspiring, with a great sense of community and it’s a privilege to be a Governor.
Staff governors
Mrs Catherine Sharpe
Co-opted governors
Mrs Pauline Oliver
I was appointed as a Governor in June 2019. It was clear very quickly that Manor Fields is a friendly, lively, hard working and happy place though I had a lot to learn!
Using my work experience effectively in a school setting was new to me but I have had lots of help from other Board members, from School staff and from good Governor trainings sessions.
Before retirement I worked for many years in care and protection services for people of all ages and had some special responsibilities for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Developing care and support services for children and families, both in England and elsewhere were also a big part of my work.
It is a real privilege for me to be a Governor at Manor Fields and to be entrusted with a lead role in Safeguarding and Attendance. Keeping children safe and encouraging the best possible learning opportunities for them are tasks I am very pleased I can contribute to. I share them with everyone at Manor Fields and with the children, families and carers who are all part of the School community .
Mrs Alison Coomber
My name is Alison Coomber and I became a school Governor in June 2023. My eldest grandson is currently in Year 5 (2023/2024) and I have been a regular on the school run since we started in Reception.
My husband and I moved from Kent twelve years ago with his work, leaving two of our three adult children in Kent, although they have now also moved to Wiltshire. I have previously been part of the Parent Teacher Association and Treasurer for my children’s primary school, several years ago.
I have always worked in the financial sector and have been a volunteer at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Kent. Both working environments have equipped me with good problem-solving skills and a degree of responsibility in different roles.
I am keen to learn how best to support the school as a Governor, helping to ensure the well-being of the children within the school and helping them to achieve their best.”
Ms Bea Seggari
I’m Bea Seggari, I became a finance governor at Manor Fields School in October 2023.I am a Chartered Accountant (CIPFA), currently working for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service as a Management Accountant.
Previously I worked for Wiltshire Council as a School Support Accountant and I had the pleasure to work with Manor Fields School for ten years. During this time, I followed with great interest the school’s achievements and aspirations to provide every child with the best opportunities for learning. I had a great relationship with the Senior Leadership Team. When I was asked, if I would be interested to become a governor, I jumped at the opportunity.
I hope that my extensive knowledge and experience about schools’ funding, financial reporting and regulations can benefit the school.
In my free time I enjoy traveling and discovering new countries and cultures. I like to spend time with my family and go for walks or bike rides in the New Forest.