Manor Fields Primary School

Welcome to Owls 24/25


Class Teacher - Miss Castle 
Class TA - Mrs. Lawton
Class TA and PE teacher - Mr. Cooke
Welcome Owls! 
What a fantastic start to Term 1! Everyone has settled in amazingly and already there is quality learning taking place.
Key information 
  • Home learning to be handed in every Monday and then given back out on a Wednesday.
  • Children to read at home with an adult 3 times a week and they will be entered into our class raffle.
  • PE is on Monday's and Friday's.
  • Parent consultations - Tuesday 15th October/Wednesday 16th October.
  • Overnight Trip to Leeson House - Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th March 2025
Term 1 
Writing and class text
In our daily reading and writing, we have been exploring The Midnight Fox. The children have enjoyed following the main character Tom as he conquers his fears of animals during a 2 month visit to his Aunt Millie's farm. In writing, we have been creating our own letter to Petie (Tom's best friend) using the perspective of Tom. The children should be extremely proud of their final published pieces. In addition, the children are currently working on writing a discussion text to debate whether fox hunting should be banned. The children have used fantastic oracy skills to take part in their own debates and gather ideas for their written piece. 
                  The Midnight Fox - Betsy Byars - 9780571310333 - Allen & Unwin - Australia
Place value 
 As mathematicians, the children have been learning and understanding place value. We have recapped Roman numerals and the children have been able to write the different numerals for numbers up to 1000! As a challenge, the children were asked to write the date, their own birthday and Christmas using Roman numerals and many children were able to do this. Well done!
Other place value topics we have been learning are:
  • Using a place value grid to determine the value of numbers 
  • Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,0000 and 1,000,000
  • Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000
  • Partition numbers up to 1,000,000
  • Powers of 10
  • Reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000
Addition and subtraction
As we begin our addition and subtraction unit, the children have been exploring ways to solve an addition/subtraction question using mental strategies. This includes partitioning and adding or taking away one. The children show a greater understanding of where numbers need to be placed in order to add or subtract because of their hard work during our place value unit. 
Other addition and subtraction topics we are learning are:
  • Adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers with and without exchanging
  • Rounding to check answers
  • Using inverse operations to check answers
  • Solving multi step word problems
  • Comparing calculations 
  • Find missing numbers

Topic subjects 

As Geographers, we have been exploring the seven continents through song and using an atlas. We have used this understanding to research different facts about each one, including: climate, population, landmarks and tourism. The children have gathered data using graphs to chart the weather conditions in North and South America. 

As Artists, the children have been looking at various artists who use collage in their work. We have taken inspiration from Gustav Klimt, Dale Devereux-Barker and have used positive/negative cutouts to create our own artwork. 


As Scientists, we have been exploring states of matter. The children revised what is meant by a solid, liquid and gas. We had lots of fun experimenting with soluble and insoluble substances by mixing a variety of ingredients in water. Also, we investigated how to separate certain mixtures using a variety of tools. We found that a sieve, magnet and colander were the best tools for the job!


Term 2

Writing and class text

 In our daily reading and writing we have been exploring The Viewer by Shaun Tan. Building up to our big write, we have been exploring a variety of writing tools to help us create a descriptive setting description. These include: fronted adverbials, similes/metaphors, show not tell and using the other tools we have learned previously. We worked as a class to make sense of our new book and the pictures below show how the children interpreted the images shown. So many amazing ideas! Then, we used what we knew about the writing tools and our key text to retell the story using different settings and characters. 

The Viewer - The Viewer Comic book hc by Shaun Tan Order online IMG_1749.JPGIMG_1745.JPGIMG_1754.JPGIMG_1759.JPGIMG_1762.JPG



Multiplication and division 

In this unit, the children explored different categories that numbers can be placed in. We have used our knowledge of place value and the value of numbers to help us learn. They have also used their knowledge to solve reasoning number/word problems to expand their understanding further. 

The content that we covered include:

  • Multiples and common multiples 
  • Factors and common factors 
  • Prime numbers 
  • Square and cube numbers 
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000. 
  • Multiples of 10,100,1000.


While learning fractions, it was important to recap and revise topics the children have learned because fractions can be tricky! We have revised what a fraction is and what it means to be part of a whole. While learning the Year 5 content, the children have been exposed to a variety of representations such as: diagrams, number lines and bar graphs. 

The content that we covered include:

  • Find equivalent fractions of unit and non-unit fractions 
  • Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers 
  • Compare and order fractions less than one
  • Compare and order fractions more than one
  • Adding and subtracting fractions 
  • Add and subtract mixed number

This will likely go into Term 3 as there are so many big ideas and strategies to cover! 


 In DT, the children have been combing their knowledge with their History unit to create Roman soup. We have researched what Romans ate during their era and how this can be used in our final recipe. We have looked at diet and how food labels can inform us about making good choices for our health. To finish, the children have had the opportunity to taste their creations, if they wish to do so, and evaluate what they have made. We certainly have some aspiring chefs in Owls!


IMG_1818.JPG  IMG_1821.JPG  IMG_1823.JPG  IMG_1824.JPG  IMG_1825.JPG  IMG_1826.JPG  IMG_1828.JPG                                                                                               IMG_1829.JPG  IMG_1830.JPG  IMG_1822.JPG  IMG_1827.JPG  IMG_1820.JPG

As Historians, we have been learning about the Romans and the empire they built, including in Britain. We looked at the progression of the Roman Empire using a timeline. The children used tech to research different types of Roman society and how they lived in their circumstances. They also learned the harsh reality of becoming a Roman soldier! Roman inventions make up a lot of what we use in Britain today, the children discovered the invention of roads, taller buildings, mathematics and writing were made a part of everyday living because of them. 

As Artists, we have been completing our painting unit. We have learned about and used the same techniques of three key artists. These include: Chris Ofili, Fauvist techniques and William Morris. Chris Ofili uses line patterns and details in his artwork and the children have enjoyed experimenting with their own patterns in their final piece. Fauvist techniques take something realistic and uses bright colours and abstract design to make it look less realistic. The children chose an object or scene in the classroom to recreate. William Morris uses continuous patterns and designs. We have used patterned fabric to continue the pattern and make our own unique design. 

Term 3