Manor Fields Primary School


Our team includes: Mrs Green (Monday to Wednesday), Mrs Castleman (Wednesday to Friday), Mrs Farmer (everyday except Thursday), Miss Cooper (Thursdays and Fridays). With both of us having a crossover on Wednesday it will allow us to keep each other updated and consistency within the classroom. 

Mrs Farmer is the class MDSA too.


Please read with your child at least three times a week. Please sign and initial your child’s reading record each time you read with them as it allows your child to go into a raffle for a prize! If you wish to comment as well, that would be most welcome. The children will change their reading books on Friday (unless they haven’t finished it!). We do encourage children to keep their book for at least a week so they have the opportunity to read the book and then understand the book through comprehension questions. The children can visit the school library regularly so that they can borrow other books to enjoy too.

Home Learning

Home learning will be sent home every Wednesday and will need to be returned the following Monday. Each home learning task will be linked to the learning in the classroom. We hope you enjoy supporting your child with home learning, however, please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel your child needs support. Your child is also able to attend the free Home Learning club on a Friday lunchtime.

A list of spellings is also sent home for your child to practise and learn. Spellings will be tested on a Thursday.


Home Learning activity:

Return date:

Home Learning to be completed each week:

Week 2




We have been learning about Henri Matisse and how he creates positive and negative images. He also used collage too.  

Create a collage/or draw a picture of Henri Matisse’s ‘Icarus’ from his famous book called ‘Jazz’.






16th September 2024

  • Read at home at least three times each week: this is rewarded in school. J


  • Practise spellings attached to individual Reading Records.


  • Practise counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 50s and 100s.


Additional activities:

Online Handwriting Practice:

Username: dw4369

Password: home


PiXL app:

Each child has an individual username and password. 


Week 3



We have been reading the story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Anthony Browne and learning to use a wide range of punctuation, including, capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks.

Using the picture below, write a sentence using each of the different types of punctuation; CL . ! and ?


Challenge: Can you come up with more than one sentence using each punctuation?


23rd September 2024

Week 4


Maths- Times Tables




Create a ‘times table flower’ to help learn the 2x times table. It can be similar to the photograph shown, or incorporate the times tables into a design of your own.



30th September

Week 5




Using the map provided, locate and label the four countries within the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Then can you locate Salisbury on the map and the four capital cities; London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. You can use an atlas to help!







7th October 2024


 Sleep over in Herons’ class

In Year 3, we have the opportunity to experience an evening of fun and games (and hopefully sleep) in our classroom.

This event is always enjoyed by the children and gives them a great opportunity to develop independence and confidence. A letter will be sent out about this once we have confirmed a date!


The children will be having PE learning on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. If you are unable to provide a PE kit for your child, please pop into school for a chat so that we can give support with this.  


We are really looking forward to working together to ensure an exciting and successful year for your child. Please do not hesitate to come and see us or phone the school, either before or after school, if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Green and Mrs Castleman



This term we are continue to practice our 2 times tables. 

Some useful websites: 

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds ( 

Times tables games -

Times tables Speed Test X -

27.9.24: Walk Safe


This week we were lucky enough to have a walk in the local area to practice how to stay safe when walking out and about. Here are some photos to show our success!


Every week, we are lucky to Mrs Trenchard come and teach us how to play the recorder. Here are some pictures of our recorder learning this week - 


We have been very lucky to take place in the Voices Inspire this term where we have been practising an array of weather related songs to sing at the Cathedral. Today, we got the opportunity to go to Salisbury Cathedral with two other schools to sing these songs. We were fantastic!