PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education encompasses all areas of our curriculum.
At Manor Fields Primary School, we intend to provide a PSHE curriculum that equips every child and young person with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values, emotions, and skills needed to stay safe and healthy, play an active role in society and to thrive now and in the future. This includes helping them to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional well-being and change.
At Manor Fields, we use SCARF, a comprehensive programme of work for PSHE and wellbeing education.
We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the programme of learning where necessary to meet the needs and requirements of all of our children. Below is the yearly overview.
This term, our whole school focus is 'Valuing Difference'.
Here is a link to the 'Family SCARF' page to explain further the PSHE that is being taught in school.
PSHE - Intent, Implementation and Impact
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education encompasses all areas of our curriculum.
At Manor Fields Primary School, we intend to provide a PSHE curriculum that equips every child and young person with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values, emotions, and skills needed to stay safe and healthy, play an active role in society and to thrive now and in the future. This includes helping them to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional well-being and change.
It is our intention that our PSHE education will help pupils prepare for all the opportunities, challenges, life decisions and responsibilities they’ll face.
The curriculum for PSHE incorporates all aspects of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural), Citizenship, British Values, as well as the statutory content of the RSE programme of study. At Manor Fields Primary School, our vision aims to create a happy, purposeful and supportive environment where children are enabled to become successful learners and develop to their full potential. We aim to promote positive mental health for every member of our school community including, pupils, staff and families.
We want our pupils to:
- develop the knowledge and skills to keep themselves healthy, happy and safe (including online) and thrive in their futures.
- become responsible global citizens.
- build positive, healthy and respectful relationships with others.
- develop their mental and physical wellbeing and talk openly talk about their mental health and access support as and when required.
- develop the capacity to be active and effective global citizens now and in their future.
- develop self-confidence and be able to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions with others
- develop pupils’ resilience, self-esteem, and their ability to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions.
As a school we use SCARF, a comprehensive programme of work for PSHE and wellbeing education.
SCARF stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship and promotes positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. It covers all of the DfE’s new statutory requirements for Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.
We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the programme of learning where necessary to meet the needs and requirements of all of our children.
Through weekly timetabled PSHE lessons children have access to key and accurate knowledge, language and meanings. They will develop their understanding of PSHE and will be given opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities. They will develop a range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced life.
Our PSHE curriculum is taught in a variety of ways and a range of teaching strategies are used such as: circle time, role-play, discussions (whole class, individual, small group or in pairs,) stories e.g. exploring behaviour of characters, creative activities, and pupil-initiated activities.
Beyond the planned programme for PSHE, we provide our children with a variety of experiences and opportunities to further learn about PSHE. These opportunities have the potential to promote their personal and social development and their economic education. These may include assemblies, cross curricular teaching, fund raising and charity events, interaction with members of the local community, clubs, residentials that include outdoor pursuits and team building, the School Council, visiting speakers and professionals, visits to places of interest and themed days.
Internet Safety is taught within this subject and within our Computing curriculum. Our approach to this subject is kept flexible, so that we can address any local or national issues that may impact upon children, when they arise. We take part in Internet Safety Day annually and have focused activities within ‘Stay Safe week’ in the spring term.
For pupils in Early Years, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is a prime area of learning, which supports their learning in all other areas. In Early Years it is about making connections and is strongly linked to play. It supports children to learn to get on with others and make friends, understand and talk about feelings, learn about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, develop independence and ultimately feel good about themselves and is an integral part of the daily school life. The SCARF programme of work is flexibly used in Early Years alongside Jigsaw.
We believe that a meaningful PSHE curriculum is the key to our children becoming confident, respectful, resilient, high achieving, tolerant and responsible members of society.
All children understand the importance of PSHE, RE, SMSC and British Values and the effects it can have on life in and out of school. Our curriculum will ensure that our children will be on their journey preparing them for life and work.
Our PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It runs through every aspect of school life, providing children with essential life skills and knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions and choices and become healthy, confident, respectful and responsible citizens both now and in the future. The promotion of our pupils’ personal development at Manor Fields Primary School is at the heart of everything that
we do. It is a fundamental aspect of their education and underpins all other learning.
Our monitoring of PSHE is an ongoing process and is detailed in the PSHE action plan.